Bouzid Mezine
Date of arrest: 1996-08-11
Forces responsible: Army
On August 11, 1996, between 1.30 and 2 a.m., members of the Algerian Army entered the Mezine family home in Algiers. They were accompanied by men wearing civilian clothes, who said they were members of the military security services. They arrested Bouzid Mezine in front of his family and neighbours. Approximately 20 agents carried out a search. At no point did they present a warrant. The father of Bouzid Mezine asked why his son was being arrested and where he would be taken. The soldiers replied that they would take him to the Cherarba barracks. Instead, they headed towards Ben Aknoum. Since that night, Bouzid Mezine has remained disappeared. In October 1996, a former prisoner claimed that Bouzid Mezine was at the Blida military prison.
Steps taken
August 1996: Bouzid Mezine’s father looks for his son in several barracks and police stations in Algiers and its surroundings.
1996: Bouzid Mezine’s father asks the Public Prosecutor of the Court of Hussein Dey, and his superior, the Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Algiers, to inform him of the charges held against his son and to investigate his abduction. He also contacts the President of the Observatory on Human Rights, the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice. He also reaches out to the Ombudsman of the Republic.
February 23, 1997: In his reply, the Ombudsman of the Republic says he is unable to give any information on the fate and whereabouts of Bouzid Mezine.
October 19, 1998: Bouzid Mezine’s family requests the intervention of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.
March 21, 1999: The investigating magistrate of the First Chamber of the Court of Hussein Dey dismisses the case.
August 2, 1999: His family lodges a complaint with the Prosecutor of the Blida military court.
March 31, 2008: Having exhausted all domestic remedies, Bouzid Mezine’s family seizes the UN Human Rights Committee.
Decision of the Human Rights Committee
Right to life, prohibition of torture and cruel and inhuman treatment (including in relation to the author), right to liberty and security of person, respect for the inherent dignity of the human person, recognition as a person before the law and right to an effective remedy (including in relation to the author).
The State party must provide the author and his family with an effective remedy, including by: (a) conducting a thorough and effective investigation into the disappearance of Bouzid Mezine; (b) providing the author and his family with detailed information about the results of its investigation; (c) releasing him immediately if he is still being detained incommunicado; (d) in the event that Bouzid Mezine is deceased, handing over his remains to his family; (e) prosecuting, trying and punishing those responsible for the violations committed; and (f) providing adequate compensation to the author for the violations suffered and to Bouzid Mezine, if he is still alive. The State party should ensure that it does not impede enjoyment of the right to an effective remedy for crimes such as torture, extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances. The State party must also take steps to prevent similar violations in the future.